MSNBC Special Edition 20:00 anchored by Ann Curry

MSNBC Special Edition 20:00 anchored by Ann Curry

NBC ID: AR5AMV13WT | Production Unit: MSNBC, Special Edition | Media Type: Aired Show | Media ID: MNBC-SE-19991025-0001 | Air Date(s): 10/25/1999 | Event Date(s): 10/25/1999


Event Date(s): 10/25/1999 | Description: 20:00:00 Special Edition anchored by Ann Curry - Shoot-Out. 20:02:07 NBC News correspondent Monique Braxton reports on a shootout in Los Angeles, California. 1997-02-28 video of a bank robber in full body armor shooting his automatic weapon. Video of smashed windshields in cars and windshields with bullet holes. Video of police taking cover at the scene. Video of police running. Aerial video of one of the gunmen firing his automatic weapon courtesy of KCAL-TV. Vox pop. Video of automatic weapons on a store shelf. Video of police running with guns. Split screen of two gunmen shooting. Video of the Bank of America where the two men attempted to rob. Interior video of the bank. Stills of the robbers Larry Phillips and Emil Dechebal Matasareanu. Interior and exterior shots of a Dentist office across the street from the Bank of America. Dentist Jorje Montes (ph) comments on what he saw the day of the shooting. Video of one of the gunmen shooting courtesy of Telemundo. Officer William Lantz comments on the gunmen, and being shot. Video of police taking cover behind cars and buildings. Officer Todd Schmitz comments on the body armor the gunman was wearing. Video of cops on bikes. Video of a police car being backed up while carrying an injured police officer. Video of one of the suspects being shot in the head and collapsing. Video of the second suspect firing at officers through the windshield of a car. Video of the police finally taking suspect down. Video of police laying a blanket over the body of the second suspect Matasareanu. Video of Video of a police officer being wheeled on a gurney to the back of an ambulance. Video of blood on the street. Aerial video of police running in a line. 20:13:50 NBC's Robert Bazell reports a"Dateline NBC" package titled"For Better or For Worse". In 1996, in Akron, Ohio, amateur video clips of then-attorney Julie Bolender (ph) square dancing with others, and riding a horse outdoors seen. Still of Julie and her fiance Mike Droppelman (ph) seen. In interview, Julie's mother talks about the preparations that were made for Julie's wedding. In interview, Julie's father continues talking about the preparations for his daughter's wedding. Still of Julie hugging Mike, and camera zooming in on a framed photo of Julie seen. Julie's father describes how, at family reunion, Julie told him she had the worst headache of her life. Still of Julie seen with supered flashing ambulance lightbars, a hospital worker wheeling equipment in a corridor, and camera moving into an emergency room seen. In interview and part vo, Mike says that when he got to the hospital Julie was unconscious and her eyes were just staring into space. Computer animation of a human body showing the brain seen. Distorted shot of a surgical team at work in an operating room with supered sine waves, still of Julie, panning shot of medical equipment, and still of Julie with supered sine waves seen. In vo and interview Mike says that it was just a question of whether or not the swelling in Julie's brain (from an aneurysm) would be severe enough to kill her. Full screen shot of the sun seen through blowing tree branches, montage of tree branches, camera zooming out on heart-shaped pillow, camera zooming in on trees, and close up of Julie's wedding dress seen. Julie's mother says that it was quite some time before the wedding was discussed, and says that Julie had no idea that the date of the wedding was approaching or had passed. Still of Julie in bed, and close up of handwritten note from Julie that read"Ican't figure out how to make sound come out" seen. A physical therapist helps Julie walk during rehabilitation. Close up of Julie's handwritten note"This is not fun" seen. (Amateur video) Clips of a physical therapist exercising Julie seen. Still of Julie and her parents, and still of Julie eating at a table seen. Extreme close up of a TV screen with flipping images seen. Close up of a TV set displaying home shopping channels including QVC seen. In vo, Julie's father says that all the home shopping channels got to know Julie on first name basis, and Julie's mother adds that"they liked her a lot." In interview, Julie's mother says that she and her husband would just send back Julie's packages because she wouldn't even remember what she bought. Still of Julie and Mike seen. Shots of Julie's father carving wood in his workshop seen. Julie's father says that there were doubts that Mike would stay with Julie, says that Mike had a brilliant future, and had the option to stay or not to stay. Julie seen in family photo. Julie's parents walk hand in hand outdoors. Shots of Julie looking over photos in an album seen. Julie's mother says that it was really difficult to see any improvement in Julie from week to week. Bazell reports on camera from New York City, New York. Still of Julie and her mother seen. At New York University, in a treatment program, Julie tells others that she had a brain aneurysm in July of 1996. Camera zooms in on the New York University Doctor Yahuta Benashad (ph) talking with Julie. Panning shot of Julie talking with her mother, and camera panning other rehabilitation group members seen. In a group therapy session, Julie says that she thinks she still has her intelligence but just needs to be able to focus it. Clip Julie not paying attention to Benashad as he talks to her seen. Panning shots of Julie seen. Julie tells a woman that she forgot what she was going to say. Benashad talks to Julie. Julie tells the group"My name is Julie Bolender and I'm going to tell you a little bit about an objective accomplishment of mine which involves becoming a lawyer." A therapist asks Julie how it felt to deliver a statement, and Julie says it felt great. A woman hugs Julie, and Julie kisses a woman. In group, Julie says (breaking up) that it's so hard to be away from her fiance, says that her mom had to leave (Julie's) dad at home, says that she loves the people in the group, but adds that she misses her family. Mike walks outdoors in Ohio. Camera pans Mike visiting with the group. Mike introduces himself. Amateur video of Julie from 1995-08-27 (before her aneurysm) seen. Julie seen talking. Benashad tells Julie to"Stay loose, keep working, and we'll see where we get." Julie tells him that it's hard because it's not her personality. Benashad tells Julie that acceptance helps her to achieve piece of mind, and Julie asks when she will get piece of mind. Still of Julie and Mike seen. Julie tells Benashad that she thinks it's good that she has goals, even if he thinks they are unrealistic, says she is getting married in November, and adds that she has to get better because her fiance is too good. Still of Mike seen. In graduation speech, Julie (emotional) thanks her friends and family. Julie poses with others for a photo at her graduation ceremony. Camera zooms out on Julie holding hands with her mother. Julie talks to Mike on their couch. Shots of Julie and Mike sitting on a couch seen. Close up of Julie's waist as she twirls in her wedding gown. Julie's mother says that when Julie first tried on her wedding gown both she and Julie cried tears of joy. On the night before her wedding, Julie walks with another woman. Camera pans Julie and Mike talking to others. Mike toasts Julie at their wedding rehearsal dinner. In interview, Mike tells Bazell that he loves Julie, says that life changed the day of (Julie's aneurysm), but adds it doesn't mean he and Julie can't have a good life together. In interview, Julie says that she never had any doubts she would marry Mike, says that he may have had doubts, and adds she was probably wasn't aware enough of her problems to realize just how bad off she was. In 1998-11, inside a cathedral, panning wide shot of Julie's father escorting her down the aisle at her wedding, close up of Mike watching, Julie and her father walking past guests in pews, a priest talking to Julie and Mike at the altar, Julie's parents bowing their heads in prayer, and Julie placing a wedding ring on Mike's hand seen. Mike agrees that the situation was almost as if he took his marriage vows before he got married, says in vo, that a lot of people lose loved ones and wish they could have them back, and adds he got to have Julie back. Julie recites her vows in church. Julie's parents and other guests look on. A priest announces Mike and Julie as husband and wife, and people applaud. Julie and Mike kiss, and camera pans Julie and Mike walking down the aisle. At their wedding reception, Julie and Mike dance as guests look on, Julie's parents dance, camera zooms out on a guest holding a camcorder, and camera zooms in on Julie and Mike dancing with others. 20:26:10 What's Wrong with this Picture segment. 20:30:31 NBC's Gregg Jarrett reports on how organized crime has become vulnerable to the law. Clip from the movie"The Godfather" featuring actor Marlon Brando. Former federal prosecutor Ed McDonald comments. Video of McDonald working at his desk. Hidden camera video of Mafia members. Hidden camera video of mobster John Gotti. Video of Gotti. Perp walk of Gotti. Video of mobster Al Capone. Video of mobsters bootlegging alcohol. Video of a mobster running a gambling racket. Video of a labor union. Video of a dead body outside a car. Criminal justice editor of the"New York Post" Murray Weiss comments. Video of Weiss walking on a sidewalk. Hidden camera video of Gotti. Weiss comments. Government surveillance video of the garbage cartel. Chief Assistant District attorney Rackets Bureau Pat Dugan comments. Video of the garbage cartel with sound. Video of a garbage truck. Video of garbage bags on the street. Hidden camera video of the garbage cartel with Gotti. Video of Gotti. McDonald comments. Weiss comments. Exterior of a gangster's home. Audio clip of Gotti. Video of Gotti. Hidden camera video of Gotti. Still of mob snitch Sammy"the bull" Gravano. Video of Gravano with Gotti. Courtroom sketch of Gotti. Video of police outside a murder scene. Weiss comments. Video of Chicago, Illinois bookie Bill Jehoda walking. Jehoda comments, Video of poker chips and playing cards, dice and gambling sheets. Hidden camera video of Jehoda. Jehoda comments. Exterior of Jehoda's apartment. Video of Jehoda walking. Hidden camera video of the sting. Federal prosecutor Mitchell Mars comments. Exterior of a house. Perp walk of mob boss Rocky Enfelice. McDonald comments. Weiss comments. Clip from the television series"The Sopranos". (HBO). McDonald comments. Clip from the film"Analyze This" featuring actors Billy Crystal and Robert De Niro. Weiss comments. Video of Gotti walking. Video of mobster John Gotti Jr. Exterior of a prison. Video of a closing cell. Weiss comments. Video of McDonald walking. McDonald comments. 20:41:28 NBC News correspondent Len Cannon reports a"Dateline NBC" package titled"From Cradle to Grave" Part I of II. Graves in cemeteries, superimposed tombstone for"Noe," insert still of mother whose ten children all died (Marie Noe), and superimposed tombstones of some of Marie's children Arthur, Catherine, Richard, and Elizabeth seen. Black and white 1949-01-20 clip of then-President Harry Truman delivering inauguration speech in Washington, D.C. saying"The future of mankind will be assured in a world of justice, harmony, and peace," overhead shot of Truman getting a standing ovation, and men shaking hands with Truman seen. Black and white footage of nurses in a hospital maternity ward near babies, and crying baby seen. In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania sepia-toned footage of bus and cars driving down street seen. Color footage of hospital exterior seen. Document with footprint of Arthur Noe (Marie's first child) seen. Black and white still of Marie's husband (and father of the ten dead children) Arthur Noe seen. Panning exterior of the Noe's home seen. Cannon reports on-camera. In interview one of the nation's leading experts on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and who in 1958 as a pathologist autopsied the 5th Noe baby to die, Dr. Molly DiPena (ph) says it was an uncommon and shocking happening. Close up of Arthur's name on his tombstone, and silhouetted cross grave marker superimposed seen."Philadelphia" Magazine with cover photo of Marie and Arthur Noe and headline"10 Dead Babies Medical Mystery...Or Murder?" seen as the magazine opens to article by journalist Stephen Fried"Cradle To Grave" and to photo of Arthur and Marie Noe seen. In interview Fried says he wondered what people in 1998 would think about all the facts from 1968. Fried walks down office hallway. In interview Fried says he hasn't found any known suspicions after the third Noe child died, but adds the first five police reports are missing. Graphic police reports, and supered highlights (police listing causes of death) including"congestive heart failure," and"bronchopneumonia" seen. Fried says after the third child Marie told him she thought she should stop having children to prevent"another un-Godly catastrophe" and wanted to have her tubes tied. Low shot of cross atop church seen. Black and white still of Marie and Arthur seen. In office Fried looks through files in box. Slow-motion of Arthur walking and gesturing outdoors becoming freeze-frame seen. Black and white still of Marie seen. In voice over and interview Fried says Marie would shrug the deaths off as"just one of those things." Low shot of hospital exterior panning down,"Emergency" sign outside the hospital, and panning shot of graves in cemeteries seen. Fried says Marie was the last person to see each of her babies alive. Black and white footage of newborn lying on its back and supered date"February 24, 1958" seen. Fried says after daughter"Constance" (ph) was born (on 1958-02-24) one of the files mentions a doctor telling Marie he'll be her new pediatrician and Marie replying"Why bother? They all die anyway." Panning shot down of the Noe home seen. Insert still of Arthur seen. Constance's death certificate, and supered highlight"crib death" seen. Pathology report including close up panning shot seen. DiPena says the autopsy found no apparent cause of death, and agrees that in hindsight she'd be suspicious of homicide and infanticide, but adds in those days she was an"innocent" herself. Grass in cemetery, and panning shot of cemetery graves and statues seen. Cannon reports on-camera. Slow-motion of Arthur driving Marie in car seen. 20:50:38"From Cradle To Grave" Part II of II. Fried says Marie speaks of the deaths dispassionately, and notes Arthur wears the pain of the deaths. Slow-motion of Marie walking outdoors and embarking car seen. Low shot panning down of hospital exterior seen with superimposed black and white footage of newborn's leg seen. In interview man who performed autopsy on the seventh Noe baby, Mary Lee (ph), Dr. Hobert Phillinger (ph) says everyone was on the alert when this case arrived, and says people were concerned with why the babies were dying and whether there was any criminal activity. Cannon reports on-camera. Black and white still of nurse with Marie seen. Fried says Marie says they wanted to have children and felt it was ok to have children because doctors couldn't give a physical reason for the deaths. Exterior of St. Joseph's Hospital in Philadelphia seen."Life" magazine opens to article about the Noes titled" after another." Still of silhouetted cross atop grave marker pans to Marie and Arthur. Fried says investigators were scared that if they were wrong they'd make it worse for a woman who has lost eight kids. Black and white stills of the Noe's 9th child Catherine Noe (ph) seen. Fried says Catherine was kept in the hospital because doctors were afraid to let the baby go home. Black and white still of Marie and Catherine seen. Color stills of Catherine's first birthday with nurses and Marie at hospital seen. Color still of Catherine and death certificate super"Manner of death undetermined" seen. Black and white stills of Arthur and Marie including Marie holding framed baby picture seen. Article"Couple Try To Adopt Child To Replace Nine Who Died" seen. Black and white slow-motion of mobile moving over crib, and baby in crib seen. DiPena says the last child,"Arthur" kept in the hospital for two months after he was born partly to protect him since people were suspecting the children were being killed at home. Close up of Arthur's name on tombstone seen. Black and white still of Arthur and Marie standing at the grave of one of their children seen. Black and white still of Arthur and Marie and superimposed lie detector test machine in operation seen. Fried says no one paid serious attention to the case after 1968-01. At press conference on 1998-08-05; District Attorney Lynne Abraham says they charge in their warrant and affidavit that Marie Noe murdered 8 of her 10 children. Mug shot of Marie Noe seen. In interview Abraham says 8 deaths in one family is murder. Abraham seen at press conference. Abrahams says no one could believe a mother could actually murder her children. Scrolling autopsy report reports on the Noe children seen as shot dissolves to Marie Noe walking outdoors. Defense Attorney David Rudenstein walks down hallway. Rudenstein says the statement Marie Noe made is bogus, it was against constitutional rule, and he will contest it. Mug shot of Marie Noe seen. Rudenstein says the eight deaths must be proven to have been homicide. B&W still of Arthur seen. Abraham says comments on whether Arthur could be a suspect. B&W still of Arthur seen. Arthur gets out of car. Still shot of Marie Noe standing outside car. Still of Marie seen. Phillinger sit during interview. Dissolving clips showing names of Noe children including Elizabeth, Jacqueline, Arthur, Constance, Letitia, and Mary Lee Noe, cemetery headstone, coroner's report on Elizabeth Noe, black and white stills of Noe infants, and headstone labeled Arthur 1967-1968 seen. Phillinger in voice over says someone has to speak for the children. 20:59:57 Curry closes the show.

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