Chester County, Pennsylvania. Map with blue and red People - Stockillustratie

Map of Chester County - Pennsylvania, with a large group of people. The faces are blue and red and represent patriots. The color blue for the Democratic Party and the color red for the Republican Party. Conceptual creative map, can symbolize the unity, cooperation, teamwork, patriotism... Vector Illustration (EPS file, well layered and grouped). Easy to edit, manipulate, resize or colorize. Vector and Jpeg file of different sizes.
Map of Chester County - Pennsylvania, with a large group of people. The faces are blue and red and represent patriots. The color blue for the Democratic Party and the color red for the Republican Party. Conceptual creative map, can symbolize the unity, cooperation, teamwork, patriotism... Vector Illustration (EPS file, well layered and grouped). Easy to edit, manipulate, resize or colorize. Vector and Jpeg file of different sizes.
Chester County, Pennsylvania. Map with blue and red People
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€ 335,00


Creatief nr.:
Soort licentie:
DigitalVision Vectors
Max. bestandsgrootte:
7071 x 7071 px (59,87 x 59,87 cm) - 300 dpi - 19 MB
Datum van uploaden:
United States
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