Zee larven, Raster prenten, gepubliceerd in 1900 - Stockillustratie

Sea larvae: 1) Strobila of Moon jellyfish (Aurelia aurita); 2) Aeginopsis larva; 3) Yungia (Flatworm) larva, 4) Sycandra raphanus, larva; 5) Planula larva of Eucope polystyla (Hydroid); 6) Pilidium larva of a nemertine; 7) Ephyra larva of Moon jellyfish (Aurelia aurita); 8) Trochophore larva of a annelid (Eupomatus uncinatus); 9) Actinula larva of a hydropolyp; 10) Youngest larva of a Siphonophorae (Alophota giltschiana); 11) Larva of a annelid; 12) Larva of a worm (Sipunculus); 13) Bipinnaria larva of a starfish; 14) Larva of a sea squirt (Ascidia mamillata); 15) Pluteus larva of a brittle star; 16) Pentacrinites larva of a feather star (Antedon); 17) Zoea larva of a crab (Lucifer); 18) Larva of the European flat oyster (Ostrea edulis); 19) Pluteus larva of a sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus); 20) Veliger larva of a swimming sea snail (Cymbulia). Raster prints, published in 1900.
Sea larvae: 1) Strobila of Moon jellyfish (Aurelia aurita); 2) Aeginopsis larva; 3) Yungia (Flatworm) larva, 4) Sycandra raphanus, larva; 5) Planula larva of Eucope polystyla (Hydroid); 6) Pilidium larva of a nemertine; 7) Ephyra larva of Moon jellyfish (Aurelia aurita); 8) Trochophore larva of a annelid (Eupomatus uncinatus); 9) Actinula larva of a hydropolyp; 10) Youngest larva of a Siphonophorae (Alophota giltschiana); 11) Larva of a annelid; 12) Larva of a worm (Sipunculus); 13) Bipinnaria larva of a starfish; 14) Larva of a sea squirt (Ascidia mamillata); 15) Pluteus larva of a brittle star; 16) Pentacrinites larva of a feather star (Antedon); 17) Zoea larva of a crab (Lucifer); 18) Larva of the European flat oyster (Ostrea edulis); 19) Pluteus larva of a sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus); 20) Veliger larva of a swimming sea snail (Cymbulia). Raster prints, published in 1900.
Zee larven, Raster prenten, gepubliceerd in 1900
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Getty ImagesZee Larven Raster Prenten Gepubliceerd In 1900, StockfotoZee Larven Raster Prenten Gepubliceerd In 1900, StockfotoDownload premium, authentieke Zee larven, Raster prenten, gepubliceerd in 1900 stockillustraties van Getty Images. Verken vergelijkbare stockillustraties met hoge resolutie in onze uitgebreide visuele catalogus.Product #:1193348873
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