Indonesia - Poverty - Inside Jakarta's Garbage Dump

Bantar Gebang, a town situated approximately 30 kms southeast of central Jakarta, is the primary dumpsite of the Indonisian capital with an estimated 6,000 tons of trash daily. A city within a city, a new deal was struck recently between the two municipalities on the extension and use of this gigantic landfill for another 20 years. Families live in makeshift huts and work as garbage dump scavengers for 20,000 rp ($2US) a day putting in 10 to 12 hour days in the stench and blistering heat, exposing themselves to diseases such as tapeworm, diarrhea, tetanus and typhoid fever. Resa, a 23-year-old university student, grew up at the dumpsite. His family still lives there and, every Sunday, volunteers come to their home to help the local children acquire knowledge in an informal class environment. (Photo by John van Hasselt/Corbis via Getty Images)
Bantar Gebang, a town situated approximately 30 kms southeast of central Jakarta, is the primary dumpsite of the Indonisian capital with an estimated 6,000 tons of trash daily. A city within a city, a new deal was struck recently between the two municipalities on the extension and use of this gigantic landfill for another 20 years. Families live in makeshift huts and work as garbage dump scavengers for 20,000 rp ($2US) a day putting in 10 to 12 hour days in the stench and blistering heat, exposing themselves to diseases such as tapeworm, diarrhea, tetanus and typhoid fever. Resa, a 23-year-old university student, grew up at the dumpsite. His family still lives there and, every Sunday, volunteers come to their home to help the local children acquire knowledge in an informal class environment. (Photo by John van Hasselt/Corbis via Getty Images)
Indonesia - Poverty - Inside Jakarta's Garbage Dump
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