India, Rajasthan, Pollution Of The River Bandi By The Dyeing Textile Industry

RAJASTHAN, INDIA – JANUARY 18: A general view of the river Bandi where pollution with heavy metal contamination from the local textile dyeing and printing industries has a detrimental effect leading to groundwater contamination severely impacting agriculture, livelihood and public health on January 18, 2007 in Rajasthan, India. (Photo by Xavier Zimbardo/Getty Images)
RAJASTHAN, INDIA – JANUARY 18: A general view of the river Bandi where pollution with heavy metal contamination from the local textile dyeing and printing industries has a detrimental effect leading to groundwater contamination severely impacting agriculture, livelihood and public health on January 18, 2007 in Rajasthan, India. (Photo by Xavier Zimbardo/Getty Images)
India, Rajasthan, Pollution Of The River Bandi By The Dyeing Textile Industry

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Xavier Zimbardo / Contributor
Redactioneel nr.:
Premium Archive
Gemaakt op:
18 januari 2007
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Geen release. Meer informatie
Premium Archive
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4992 x 3328 px (42,27 x 28,18 cm) - 300 dpi - 7 MB