The worlds last steam tram at the Sugar Factory F.C Azucarera in Paraguay. Built by Bouig of Berlin in 1910. The engine Tebicuary originally worked for the Municipality of Buenos Aires before being pensioned off to the sugar fields of neighbouring Paragu

The worlds last steam tram at the Sugar Factory F.C Azucarera in Paraguay. Built by Bouig of Berlin in 1910. The engine Tebicuary originally worked for the Municipality of Buenos Aires before being pensioned off to the sugar fields of neighbouring Paraguay. The tram engine operated a standard gauge connection between the factory and the main line. January 1979. (Photo by Rail Photo/Construction Photography/Avalon/Getty Images)
The worlds last steam tram at the Sugar Factory F.C Azucarera in Paraguay. Built by Bouig of Berlin in 1910. The engine Tebicuary originally worked for the Municipality of Buenos Aires before being pensioned off to the sugar fields of neighbouring Paraguay. The tram engine operated a standard gauge connection between the factory and the main line. January 1979. (Photo by Rail Photo/Construction Photography/Avalon/Getty Images)
The worlds last steam tram at the Sugar Factory F.C Azucarera in Paraguay. Built by Bouig of Berlin in 1910. The engine Tebicuary originally worked for the Municipality of Buenos Aires before being pensioned off to the sugar fields of neighbouring Paragu
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Redactioneel nr.:
Hulton Archive
Gemaakt op:
01 januari 1979
Datum van uploaden:
Soort licentie:
Geen release. Meer informatie
Hulton Archive
Naam materiaal:
Max. bestandsgrootte:
2512 x 3720 px (21,27 x 31,50 cm) - 300 dpi - 2 MB