Marilyn Monroe In "The Seven Year Itch"

LOS ANGELES, CA - 1954: Marilyn Monroe standing over a subway grate with her white dress blowing in 1954 during the filming of "The Seven Year Itch" in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Sam Shaw/© Shaw Family Archives/Getty Images)
LOS ANGELES, CA - 1954: Marilyn Monroe standing over a subway grate with her white dress blowing in 1954 during the filming of "The Seven Year Itch" in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Sam Shaw/© Shaw Family Archives/Getty Images)
Marilyn Monroe In "The Seven Year Itch"

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Shaw Family Archives / Contributor
Redactioneel nr.:
Premium Archive
Gemaakt op:
01 januari 1954
Datum van uploaden:
Soort licentie:
Geen release. Meer informatie
Premium Archive
Naam materiaal:
Max. bestandsgrootte:
2885 x 4782 px (24,43 x 40,49 cm) - 300 dpi - 3 MB