Americas Cup:

Americas Cup:; a) (Thompson,Jeremy) ENGLAND: London: National Maritime Institute: INT MS Man pushes model of Britain's boat in tank R-L and another man standing on scaffold uses pole to move boat along LMS Tank and man standing on scaffold at end LMS Model boat in tank ZOOM IN as water splashes underneath TS Boat being tested in tank PAN UP to workers standing by workbench MS Man working computer on sails of boat TS Computer print-out of sails designs CS Computer cloth cutter along for sails design PULL OUT TMS Cloth cutting room with large computer cutters MS Sails equipment PULL OUT along sail MS TRACK BACKWARDS as model boat towards CMS Boat through water R-L CAS ex ENG(Borer) 1.13mins Tx 8.3.85/NAT ARCHIVE TAPE & CAS 26551 21:29 TO 22:44
Americas Cup:; a) (Thompson,Jeremy) ENGLAND: London: National Maritime Institute: INT MS Man pushes model of Britain's boat in tank R-L and another man standing on scaffold uses pole to move boat along LMS Tank and man standing on scaffold at end LMS Model boat in tank ZOOM IN as water splashes underneath TS Boat being tested in tank PAN UP to workers standing by workbench MS Man working computer on sails of boat TS Computer print-out of sails designs CS Computer cloth cutter along for sails design PULL OUT TMS Cloth cutting room with large computer cutters MS Sails equipment PULL OUT along sail MS TRACK BACKWARDS as model boat towards CMS Boat through water R-L CAS ex ENG(Borer) 1.13mins Tx 8.3.85/NAT ARCHIVE TAPE & CAS 26551 21:29 TO 22:44

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Redactioneel nr.:
Gemaakt op:
08 maart 1985
Datum van uploaden:
Soort licentie:
Rights ready
Geen release. Meer informatie
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Gemastered naar:
QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG SD 720x576 25p
Oorspronkelijk opgenomen op:
576 25i
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