Abortion law reforms in Northern Ireland are an issue for Stormont says Downing Street

Abortion law reforms in Northern Ireland are an issue for Stormont says Downing Street; LIB (T26061701) / TX 26.6.2017 ENGLAND: London: Downing Street: INT Arlene Foster MLA (Democratic Unionist Party Leader), Sir Jeffrey Donaldson MP (DUP) and Nigel Dodds MP (DUP) sitting at table Theresa May MP (Prime Minister), Damian Green MP (then First Secretary) and Gavin Williamson MP (then Chief Whip) on one side of table PAN Foster, Donaldson and Dodds on other side of table Various of Donaldson and Williamson sitting to sign confidence and supply agreement with Foster, Dodds, May and Green standing behind them END LIB
Abortion law reforms in Northern Ireland are an issue for Stormont says Downing Street; LIB (T26061701) / TX 26.6.2017 ENGLAND: London: Downing Street: INT Arlene Foster MLA (Democratic Unionist Party Leader), Sir Jeffrey Donaldson MP (DUP) and Nigel Dodds MP (DUP) sitting at table Theresa May MP (Prime Minister), Damian Green MP (then First Secretary) and Gavin Williamson MP (then Chief Whip) on one side of table PAN Foster, Donaldson and Dodds on other side of table Various of Donaldson and Williamson sitting to sign confidence and supply agreement with Foster, Dodds, May and Green standing behind them END LIB

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Gemaakt op:
27 mei 2018
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United Kingdom
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