TSUNAMI AFTERMATH: Thailand mourns the dead

Phi Phi Island: AIR VIEW Aftermath of tsunami in narrow strip of land joining two islands together showing devestation of tourist resort complexes (4 shots) LS Soldier wearing white mask dragging sign towards PAN Rescue workers dragging trolley containing body along sand BV Rescue workers carrying body along Four rescue workers carryng body along on stretcher i/c LS Fire burning in front of palm trees LS Rescue workers pulling small cart containing body away Building with load of debris in f/g PULL OUT Rescue worker wearing white mask along in front of hotel and piles of wood and corrugated iron Army helicopter landing containing Thailand's deputy prime minister Suwat Liptapanlop Suwat Liptapanlop (Thailand's deputy prime minister) interview SOT - We need technical (help) more than money / We have money / We need experts in identification / More experts
Phi Phi Island: AIR VIEW Aftermath of tsunami in narrow strip of land joining two islands together showing devestation of tourist resort complexes (4 shots) LS Soldier wearing white mask dragging sign towards PAN Rescue workers dragging trolley containing body along sand BV Rescue workers carrying body along Four rescue workers carryng body along on stretcher i/c LS Fire burning in front of palm trees LS Rescue workers pulling small cart containing body away Building with load of debris in f/g PULL OUT Rescue worker wearing white mask along in front of hotel and piles of wood and corrugated iron Army helicopter landing containing Thailand's deputy prime minister Suwat Liptapanlop Suwat Liptapanlop (Thailand's deputy prime minister) interview SOT - We need technical (help) more than money / We have money / We need experts in identification / More experts

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Gemaakt op:
31 december 2004
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