British National Party make significant gains in local elections

British National Party make significant gains in local elections; Councillor Richard Barnbrook (BNP: Barking & Dagenham) interview SOT - (Asked how helpful was Hodge) Unbelievable, I could have given her a million pounds, not that she needs it anyway Reporter to camera Manning chatting to Councillor Inder Singh Jammu (Labour: Barking & Dagenham) Paper print-out of email from BNP to Margaret Hodge Councillor Inder Singh Jammu (Labour: Barking & Dagenham) interview SOT - Labour Party should withdraw her membership / She has no chance, no future with Barking - membership are very very angry 'Patriot' leaflets held by BNP campaigner BNP activists chatting to local residents Woman asking for 'Patriot' leaflet People from various racial backgrounds along street Vox pops Local voters Staffordshire: Stoke-on-Trent: INT Nick Griffin (BNP Leader) listening to declaration among BNP activists then shaking hand of unidentified new BNP Councillor London: Barking: EXT Barnbrook chatting to fellow BNP activist as along PULL OUT PAN Barnbrook towards followed by colleague TRACK BACK Clean Feed Tape = D0605013 OR D0605014 00:16:18:04 - 00:19:38:15 FX/Mix Programme as Broadcast Tape = D0605012
British National Party make significant gains in local elections; Councillor Richard Barnbrook (BNP: Barking & Dagenham) interview SOT - (Asked how helpful was Hodge) Unbelievable, I could have given her a million pounds, not that she needs it anyway Reporter to camera Manning chatting to Councillor Inder Singh Jammu (Labour: Barking & Dagenham) Paper print-out of email from BNP to Margaret Hodge Councillor Inder Singh Jammu (Labour: Barking & Dagenham) interview SOT - Labour Party should withdraw her membership / She has no chance, no future with Barking - membership are very very angry 'Patriot' leaflets held by BNP campaigner BNP activists chatting to local residents Woman asking for 'Patriot' leaflet People from various racial backgrounds along street Vox pops Local voters Staffordshire: Stoke-on-Trent: INT Nick Griffin (BNP Leader) listening to declaration among BNP activists then shaking hand of unidentified new BNP Councillor London: Barking: EXT Barnbrook chatting to fellow BNP activist as along PULL OUT PAN Barnbrook towards followed by colleague TRACK BACK Clean Feed Tape = D0605013 OR D0605014 00:16:18:04 - 00:19:38:15 FX/Mix Programme as Broadcast Tape = D0605012

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Gemaakt op:
05 mei 2006
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United Kingdom
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QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG SD 720x576 25p
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576 25i
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