Gulf War: Day 8: Channel 4 News

Gulf War: Day 8: Channel 4 News; POOL QATAR: As Sayliyah Camp INT LMS Air Marshal Brian Burridge speaking at British military briefing Omar Moussawi (Al Jazeera journalist) speaking SOT - think our decision is to show our audience the truth even if it's dirty war/ Al Jazeera not part of coalition nor part of Iraqi regime, we are independent media Air Marshal Brian Burridge (Commander, British forces) response SOT - I know Al Jazeera's management wants to produce station they can be proud of/ they want to produce station that gives balanced reporting/ that type of reporting is neither balanced nor should anybody take any pride in it
Gulf War: Day 8: Channel 4 News; POOL QATAR: As Sayliyah Camp INT LMS Air Marshal Brian Burridge speaking at British military briefing Omar Moussawi (Al Jazeera journalist) speaking SOT - think our decision is to show our audience the truth even if it's dirty war/ Al Jazeera not part of coalition nor part of Iraqi regime, we are independent media Air Marshal Brian Burridge (Commander, British forces) response SOT - I know Al Jazeera's management wants to produce station they can be proud of/ they want to produce station that gives balanced reporting/ that type of reporting is neither balanced nor should anybody take any pride in it

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27 maart 2003
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