Explaining Matter: Chemical Change - part 7 of 18. Illustrates that a chemical change takes place when atoms from the molecules of two or more materials join to form molecules of entirely different materials. Examples of changes include burning, digestion - 4K Stockvideo

1960s: brown liquid in beaker. Glass beaker containing mercuric iodide. Drawing of mercuric iodide molecule. One atom of mercury attached to two atoms of iodine. Iodine atom replaces chlorine atom
1960s: brown liquid in beaker. Glass beaker containing mercuric iodide. Drawing of mercuric iodide molecule. One atom of mercury attached to two atoms of iodine. Iodine atom replaces chlorine atom

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Archive Films: Creative
Max. bestandsgrootte:
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United States
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QuickTime 10-bit ProRes 422 (HQ) 4K 3840x2160 24p