Senator Blumenthal Opening Statement at Gorsuch Confirmation Hearing

Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal says on the first day of the confirmation hearing for Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court that the independence of judges has never before been more threatened or important and that a large part of the threat comes from President Donald Trump. Blumenthal says that Trump's demeaning comments on the judiciary have undermined respect for court decisions, and quotes Alexander Hamilton saying that the Judicial Branch is the least dangerous branch because it does not have power of the purse or sword. Blumenthal says that his defense of the independence of the judiciary is crucial, that if Gorsuch is not forthcoming, Democrats will have to assume that Gorsuch will pass the Trump litmus test. Blumenthal closes saying that the normal response of nominees saying that they cannot answer a question because they may have to consider a case is not acceptable in these unordinary times.
Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal says on the first day of the confirmation hearing for Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court that the independence of judges has never before been more threatened or important and that a large part of the threat comes from President Donald Trump. Blumenthal says that Trump's demeaning comments on the judiciary have undermined respect for court decisions, and quotes Alexander Hamilton saying that the Judicial Branch is the least dangerous branch because it does not have power of the purse or sword. Blumenthal says that his defense of the independence of the judiciary is crucial, that if Gorsuch is not forthcoming, Democrats will have to assume that Gorsuch will pass the Trump litmus test. Blumenthal closes saying that the normal response of nominees saying that they cannot answer a question because they may have to consider a case is not acceptable in these unordinary times.

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Redactioneel nr.:
Gemaakt op:
20 maart 2017
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Soort licentie:
Rights ready
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Washington, DC, United States
Gemastered naar:
QuickTime 8-bit H.264 HD 1280x720 30p
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