General synod: Divorce debate

General synod: Divorce debate; CF TAPE NO LONGER AVAILABLE FOR EXTERIORS CHURCH HOUSE SEE C08119401 INT ENGLAND, London, Church House TGV General Synod of C of E in session PAN R during debate TMS Clergy listening MS Bishop listening TMS Chairperson & officials Norfolk MS Rev Kit Chalcraft speaking to parishioners from pulpit BV Congregation listening to him PAN L to pulpit TMS Congregation EXT CS Rev Chalcraft still investments PULL OUT as speaking to man (in grounds of church) INT TGV General Synod in session TMS Rev Paul Needle, speech, SOT - I think it is in keeping/ I'm worried about our inconsistent attitude/ CofE speaks with forked tongue TMS Rt Rev Noel Jones, Bishop of Sodor & Man, speech SOT - to have firm rules does not mean insensitivity nor intransigence/ it may mean being branded a dinosaur - if so then I am happy to join [the Bishop of Norwich] in Jurassic Park TCMS Archbishop of Canterbury seated listening TMS Other bishops listening CMS Hume i/c SOT
General synod: Divorce debate; CF TAPE NO LONGER AVAILABLE FOR EXTERIORS CHURCH HOUSE SEE C08119401 INT ENGLAND, London, Church House TGV General Synod of C of E in session PAN R during debate TMS Clergy listening MS Bishop listening TMS Chairperson & officials Norfolk MS Rev Kit Chalcraft speaking to parishioners from pulpit BV Congregation listening to him PAN L to pulpit TMS Congregation EXT CS Rev Chalcraft still investments PULL OUT as speaking to man (in grounds of church) INT TGV General Synod in session TMS Rev Paul Needle, speech, SOT - I think it is in keeping/ I'm worried about our inconsistent attitude/ CofE speaks with forked tongue TMS Rt Rev Noel Jones, Bishop of Sodor & Man, speech SOT - to have firm rules does not mean insensitivity nor intransigence/ it may mean being branded a dinosaur - if so then I am happy to join [the Bishop of Norwich] in Jurassic Park TCMS Archbishop of Canterbury seated listening TMS Other bishops listening CMS Hume i/c SOT

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Redactioneel nr.:
Gemaakt op:
02 december 1994
Datum van uploaden:
Soort licentie:
Rights ready
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Lengte van clip:
United Kingdom
Gemastered naar:
QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG SD 720x576 25p
Oorspronkelijk opgenomen op:
576 25i
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