Jill Dando Murder: Funeral plans announced

Jill Dando Murder: Funeral plans announced; ENGLAND: Weston Super Mare: EXT GV Clarence Park Baptist Church where murdered TV Presenter Jill Dando is to be buried MS Sign at entrance to church GV Entrance to church GV Church TILT DOWN ( church = 18 secs ) GV Street where funeral cortege will pass PAN L-R GV Street PAN R-L ( street scenes = 10 secs ) Richard Evans (North Somerset Council) interviewed SOT - Jill meant an awful lot to the town - people will want to pay their last respects GV Cemetery where Jill Dando will be buried PAN R-L CMS Car park sign in cemetery GV Cemetery sign
Jill Dando Murder: Funeral plans announced; ENGLAND: Weston Super Mare: EXT GV Clarence Park Baptist Church where murdered TV Presenter Jill Dando is to be buried MS Sign at entrance to church GV Entrance to church GV Church TILT DOWN ( church = 18 secs ) GV Street where funeral cortege will pass PAN L-R GV Street PAN R-L ( street scenes = 10 secs ) Richard Evans (North Somerset Council) interviewed SOT - Jill meant an awful lot to the town - people will want to pay their last respects GV Cemetery where Jill Dando will be buried PAN R-L CMS Car park sign in cemetery GV Cemetery sign

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Redactioneel nr.:
Gemaakt op:
14 mei 1999
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Soort licentie:
Rights ready
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Lengte van clip:
United Kingdom
Gemastered naar:
QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG SD 720x576 25p
Oorspronkelijk opgenomen op:
576 25i
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