Film: 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part Two': interviews with cast members
Film: 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part Two': interviews with cast members; Rupert Grint (Actor) interview SOT
- On his character Ron Weasley kissing Emma Watson / Feels weird saying this because loads of guys are really jealous because she is lovely, it was just, it felt so wrong really kissing this person who I have know since she was nine. It was a scene we were both kind of dreading. I just remember her face getting closer and closer and it just felt really unnatural thing to be doing...Lot more focused on really sinking into the character and blocking out any form of reality. Really important moment for the characters. Very imporant moment for the fans as well , a quite anticipated scene. Pressure to get it right.
- On the development of his character (Ron Weasley) throughout the Harry Potter movies / On feeling weird now the last film has finished. The last day was quite emotional

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Redactioneel nr.:
Gemaakt op:
07 juli 2011
Datum van uploaden:
Soort licentie:
Rights ready
Geen release. Meer informatie
Lengte van clip:
United Kingdom
Gemastered naar:
QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG SD 720x576 25p
Oorspronkelijk opgenomen op:
576 25i
Naam materiaal:
- Ensemble lid,
- Harry Potter - Naam kunstwerk,
- Audio online beschikbaar,
- Bizar,
- Emma Watson - Actrice,
- Groot-Brittannië,
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Deel 2 - Film,
- Interview - Evenement,
- Jaloezie - Negatieve emotie,
- Kleurenfoto,
- Kunst Cultuur en Vermaak,
- Kussen - Met de mond,
- Mannen,
- Mensen,
- Realtime video,
- Rupert Grint,
- Ruw materiaal,
- Schoonheid,
- Speelfilm,
- Volwassen,