James DeGale interview

James DeGale interview; James DeGale interview SOT - I've boxed in Olympic final in front of 11 000 people, obviously everything is different, expectations, people wanting me to fail, do well - I'm looking forward to it / I train like a soldier, six days a week, sometimes seven - twice a day, in gym at 11 every day, two and half hours, sparring, technique work, weight sessions, grafting - at 6 o'clock I'm on the road, a recovery run, for weight as well, going to get harder and more as my career goes on - Last seven weeks I haven't had a social life, just boxing boxing boxing - this is my job, how I make money, I like it / Of course I'll make middleweight, but if I struggle I'll move up to supermiddle - talks about his diet, got a little four pack coming back, feeling good, glowing, going to have a little sleep, roll on 28th, fantastic
James DeGale interview; James DeGale interview SOT - I've boxed in Olympic final in front of 11 000 people, obviously everything is different, expectations, people wanting me to fail, do well - I'm looking forward to it / I train like a soldier, six days a week, sometimes seven - twice a day, in gym at 11 every day, two and half hours, sparring, technique work, weight sessions, grafting - at 6 o'clock I'm on the road, a recovery run, for weight as well, going to get harder and more as my career goes on - Last seven weeks I haven't had a social life, just boxing boxing boxing - this is my job, how I make money, I like it / Of course I'll make middleweight, but if I struggle I'll move up to supermiddle - talks about his diet, got a little four pack coming back, feeling good, glowing, going to have a little sleep, roll on 28th, fantastic

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Redactioneel nr.:
Gemaakt op:
16 februari 2009
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Rights ready
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QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG SD 720x576 25p
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576 25i
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