Medium angle of people on beach. focus on girl in purple bikini bottom and sunglasses walking toward water. - HD Stockvideo

Medium angle of people on beach. focus on girl in purple bikini bottom and sunglasses walking toward water. pov from behind girl. see tattoo on girl's buttocks. people play frisbee and play in water. people walk on beach in foreground. girl barely visible in back of crowd. boy in swim trunks grabs girl and throws her over his back and starts to run down beach. white flash at end.
Medium angle of people on beach. focus on girl in purple bikini bottom and sunglasses walking toward water. pov from behind girl. see tattoo on girl's buttocks. people play frisbee and play in water. people walk on beach in foreground. girl barely visible in back of crowd. boy in swim trunks grabs girl and throws her over his back and starts to run down beach. white flash at end.

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Creatief nr.:
Soort licentie:
Rights ready
Image Bank Film
Max. bestandsgrootte:
1280 x 1080 px - 127 MB
Lengte van clip:
Datum van uploaden:
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States
Bedoeld voor:
Redactioneel gebruik
Geen release
Gemastered naar:
QuickTime DV HD 1280x1080 23.98p