Freemasons participate in laying the cornerstone at new Silver Springs, MD, post office in 1936

Members of local Freemason lodge, wearing small aprons around their waists and top hats, stand by as cornerstone is placed into the new Silver Spring post office; lectern bearing Masonic logo stands in front, with open book atop / CU "1936" cornerstone bears names of Henry Morgenthau, Jr,. Treasury Secretary; James A. Farley, postmaster general; architect Louis A. Simon; supervising engineer Neal A. Melick; a Mason's apron is visible at left / VS Masons prepare mortar tools and Masons' Worshipful Master Charles E. Jones spreads mortar on the cornerstone / WS crowd gathered in front of post office building, which is decorated with US flags / Note: exact day not known
Members of local Freemason lodge, wearing small aprons around their waists and top hats, stand by as cornerstone is placed into the new Silver Spring post office; lectern bearing Masonic logo stands in front, with open book atop / CU "1936" cornerstone bears names of Henry Morgenthau, Jr,. Treasury Secretary; James A. Farley, postmaster general; architect Louis A. Simon; supervising engineer Neal A. Melick; a Mason's apron is visible at left / VS Masons prepare mortar tools and Masons' Worshipful Master Charles E. Jones spreads mortar on the cornerstone / WS crowd gathered in front of post office building, which is decorated with US flags / Note: exact day not known

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Redactioneel nr.:
Sherman Grinberg Library
Gemaakt op:
01 oktober 1936
Datum van uploaden:
Soort licentie:
Rights ready
Geen release. Meer informatie
Lengte van clip:
Silver Spring, Maryland, United States
Gemastered naar:
QuickTime 10-bit ProRes 422 (HQ) HD 1920x1080 23.98p
Oorspronkelijk opgenomen op:
35mm B/W Neg
Sherman Grinberg Library
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