MIDDLE EAST: UN mission to Jenin announced

MIDDLE EAST: UN mission to Jenin announced; Hilsum talking with Palestinians (2 SHOTS) Man showing door with hole blasted in it by the Israeli soldiers CS Hole in door Woman washing up blood of woman who was behknd the door when it was blasted and was killed (2 SHOTS) Water used to wash away blood flowing away Palestinian children seen thru hole in wall blasted by Israeli missile PULL OUT i/c Grieving women Body lowered into grave Bodies in grave PAN Abdullah Weshahi interview SOT (translated) - Talks of his mother and another relative being killed by Israeli soldiers Palestinian boy crying Palestinian man and boy away LMS Israeli armoured vehicle along PAN past line of Palestinians being detained for interrogation LMS Palestinian man being made to show he is not wired up with explosives Palestinian men sitting bound and blindfolded Hilsum walking over rubble Iyad Tawalbih showing Hilsum where Palestinian gunmen tried to hold out against the Israeli military (2 SHOTS) Iyad Tawalbih interview SOT (translated) - Talks of offensive againnst Palestinian fighters Buildings PAN AROUND TRACK INT Stretchers propped against wall in room EXT Road TRACK Booby trap device i/c LMS Israeli military bulldozer along
MIDDLE EAST: UN mission to Jenin announced; Hilsum talking with Palestinians (2 SHOTS) Man showing door with hole blasted in it by the Israeli soldiers CS Hole in door Woman washing up blood of woman who was behknd the door when it was blasted and was killed (2 SHOTS) Water used to wash away blood flowing away Palestinian children seen thru hole in wall blasted by Israeli missile PULL OUT i/c Grieving women Body lowered into grave Bodies in grave PAN Abdullah Weshahi interview SOT (translated) - Talks of his mother and another relative being killed by Israeli soldiers Palestinian boy crying Palestinian man and boy away LMS Israeli armoured vehicle along PAN past line of Palestinians being detained for interrogation LMS Palestinian man being made to show he is not wired up with explosives Palestinian men sitting bound and blindfolded Hilsum walking over rubble Iyad Tawalbih showing Hilsum where Palestinian gunmen tried to hold out against the Israeli military (2 SHOTS) Iyad Tawalbih interview SOT (translated) - Talks of offensive againnst Palestinian fighters Buildings PAN AROUND TRACK INT Stretchers propped against wall in room EXT Road TRACK Booby trap device i/c LMS Israeli military bulldozer along

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Gemaakt op:
19 april 2002
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