SOUTH AFRICA / POLITICS: Nelson Mandela death: Obit - Life and Legacy

SOUTH AFRICA / POLITICS: Nelson Mandela death: Obit - Life and Legacy; SOUTH AFRICA: INT Archbishop Desmond Tutu (former Archbishop of Cape Town) interview SOT - no doubt at all that he is going to be remembered as an icon of reconciliation and forgiveness / a person of very considerable magnanimity who was able to preside over a process of transformation when you make a transition from repression to democracy, avoiding the bloodbath everyone expected was going to happen
SOUTH AFRICA / POLITICS: Nelson Mandela death: Obit - Life and Legacy; SOUTH AFRICA: INT Archbishop Desmond Tutu (former Archbishop of Cape Town) interview SOT - no doubt at all that he is going to be remembered as an icon of reconciliation and forgiveness / a person of very considerable magnanimity who was able to preside over a process of transformation when you make a transition from repression to democracy, avoiding the bloodbath everyone expected was going to happen

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Gemaakt op:
06 december 2013
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Rights ready
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South Africa
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QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG SD 720x576 25p
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576 25i
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