New invention doubles survival time of liver outside the body
New invention doubles survival time of liver outside the body; UK, London; Surgeons operating on donor's liver, machine, David Nasralla (Liver transplant surgeon) interview, Ashok Saha (Transplant patient) interview, Professor Joerg Pollok (Liver Transplants Clinical Lead, Royal Free Hospital) interview.
ENGLAND: London: Hampstead: Royal Free Hospital:
Surgeons and machine (which is keeping a liver alive outside the body for transplant) with blood bag
Surgeons operating on liver
Liver with tubes
Surgeon speaking SOT
Surgeons working
Machine screen
David Nasralla (Liver transplant surgeon) interview SOT
Doctor working on operation
Doctors' hands working on donor's liver
Reporter to camera SOT
Various shots of Ashok Saha (Transplant patient) and partner sitting in waiting room
Various shots of doctor greeting Ashok Saha and partner
Ashok Saha (Transplant patient) interview SOT
Various shots of surgeons operating on liver
Infusion bag
Professor Joerg Pollok (Liver Transplants Clinical Lead, Royal Free Hospital) interview SOT
Doctor's gloved hand using machine
Surgeons operating on liver
Surgeons looking at machine

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Redactioneel nr.:
Gemaakt op:
10 september 2019
Datum van uploaden:
Soort licentie:
Rights ready
Geen release. Meer informatie
Lengte van clip:
United Kingdom
Gemastered naar:
QuickTime 8-bit H.264 HD 1920x1080 25p
Oorspronkelijk opgenomen op:
1080 25i
Naam materiaal:
- Audio online beschikbaar,
- Begroeten,
- Beschermende handschoen,
- Bloed,
- Chirurg,
- Dokter,
- Dubbel,
- Engeland,
- Gezondheidszorg en medicijnen,
- Groot-Brittannië,
- HD-formaat,
- Hand,
- ITV News At Ten,
- Interview - Evenement,
- Journalist,
- Kijken,
- Kleurenfoto,
- Londen - Engeland,
- Lucy Watson,
- Machinerie,
- Nieuw,
- Overleven,
- Praten,
- Realtime video,
- Reportage - Geproduceerd segment,
- Royal Free Hospital,
- Ruw materiaal,
- Schieten - Sporten,
- Speelfilm,
- Tas,
- Uitvinding,
- Variatie,
- Wachten,
- Werken,
- Wetenschap,
- Wetenschap en Techniek,
- Zitten,