London bomb blasts: ITV News Openender clean feed: 17.30 - 19.00

London bomb blasts: ITV News Openender clean feed: 17.30 - 19.00; ENGLAND: London: EXT Eye witness interview SOT - We thought the explosion came from the underground, but we heard later it was a bus Queues of injured waiting to board buses GROUND TO AIR Police helicopter Commuters INT Sir Ian Blair (Metropolitan Police commissioner) interview SOT - There is no doubt that this is an attack involving explosives/ There is no doubt therefore that it is a terrorist incident and the message to Londoners is to stay where they are for the time being, not to try and move away from anywhere/ We've got things under control/ We're talking to TFL about producing a bus service, it's extremely unlikely that the tube service will open today, in fact I can tell you that I'm certain it will not/ The situation is under control and the emergency plan is working Police on street Brian Paddick (Asst Dep Commissioner, Metropolitan Police) press conference SOT - The police service received no warning about these attacks, and the police service has received no claims of responsibility from any group in connection with these attacks/ This clearly was a callous attack on purely innocent members of the public, deliberately designed to kill and injure innocent members of the public
London bomb blasts: ITV News Openender clean feed: 17.30 - 19.00; ENGLAND: London: EXT Eye witness interview SOT - We thought the explosion came from the underground, but we heard later it was a bus Queues of injured waiting to board buses GROUND TO AIR Police helicopter Commuters INT Sir Ian Blair (Metropolitan Police commissioner) interview SOT - There is no doubt that this is an attack involving explosives/ There is no doubt therefore that it is a terrorist incident and the message to Londoners is to stay where they are for the time being, not to try and move away from anywhere/ We've got things under control/ We're talking to TFL about producing a bus service, it's extremely unlikely that the tube service will open today, in fact I can tell you that I'm certain it will not/ The situation is under control and the emergency plan is working Police on street Brian Paddick (Asst Dep Commissioner, Metropolitan Police) press conference SOT - The police service received no warning about these attacks, and the police service has received no claims of responsibility from any group in connection with these attacks/ This clearly was a callous attack on purely innocent members of the public, deliberately designed to kill and injure innocent members of the public

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Redactioneel nr.:
Gemaakt op:
07 juli 2005
Datum van uploaden:
Soort licentie:
Rights ready
Geen release. Meer informatie
Lengte van clip:
United Kingdom
Gemastered naar:
QuickTime 8-bit H.264 HD 1920x1080 25p
Oorspronkelijk opgenomen op:
1080 25i
Naam materiaal: