Kevin Spacey: Old Vic/Phone robbery
Kevin Spacey: Old Vic/Phone robbery; ITN
ENGLAND: London:
LA CMS Kevin Spacey (Actor) on stage at the Old Vic, two boxes appear on screen showing GVS of people sitting in theatre
Speeded up footage Kevin Spacey onto stage with other man
Kevin Spacey speech SOT
- Well this is very encouraging because I think the ghosts of the Old Vic would be mighty pleased to see such a packed house of journalists who are interested in hearing what we have to announce today, and I think as I look amongst you that I see one or two journalists who are not from the arts pages/ Before I begin I'd like to put to rest a rumour that has been spreading about town that I think is unfair and that is that David Beckham offered to donate one hundred thousand pounds to the Old Vic if I would take him off the front pages for a few days (laughter) It's not true and after the announcement I will text David myself, if someone will let me borrow their mobile phone, I seem to have misplaced mine (Spacey had his mobile phone stolen while out walking his dog)
CUTAWAY GV audience
Kevin Spacey (Actor) interview, wearing a hat SOT
- I have ignored what's gone on this week (Media coverage surrounding mobile phone theft) and I think you get round it by identifying the element in the room, then they'll leave and you can get on with business
LMS Kevin Spacey on stage as female journalist is heard asking a question about the phone theft SOT
SIDE GV press
LS man on stage raising his hands PAN to Kevin Spacey answering journalist SOT
- I think he just explained that this is not a free for all / Do you have a question about the theatre? / Do you go to the theatre?
Kevin Spacey (Actor) interview SOT
- They have a job to do and so do I and I'm going to keep my focus on my job
TGV BV journalist asking question about theatre then asking what breed Spacey's dog is SOT
LS Kevin Spacey on stage SOT
- I appreciate you trying I really do, it's admirable

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Redactioneel nr.:
Gemaakt op:
22 april 2004
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Soort licentie:
Rights ready
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United Kingdom
Gemastered naar:
QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG SD 720x576 25p
Oorspronkelijk opgenomen op:
576 25i
Naam materiaal:
- Kevin Spacey,
- Activiteit - Bewegen,
- Antwoorden,
- Audio online beschikbaar,
- Bedrijfsleven,
- Bedrijven financiën en industrie,
- Begin,
- Beschouwing,
- Bewegend beeld,
- Criminaliteit,
- Dag,
- David Beckham,
- Diefstal - Criminaliteit,
- Draadloze technologie,
- Druk,
- Groot-Brittannië,
- Hand,
- Hoed,
- ITV London Tonight,
- Identiteit,
- Interview - Evenement,
- Journalist,
- Kijken,
- Kleurenfoto,
- Kunst Cultuur en Vermaak,
- Lenen,
- Londen - Engeland,
- Mannen,
- Mensen,
- Mobiele telefoon,
- Ongerechtigheid,
- Publiek,
- Realtime video,
- Reportage - Geproduceerd segment,
- Roddel,
- Rusten,
- Ruw materiaal,
- Speelfilm,
- Stadje,
- Telefoon,
- Televisieprogramma,
- Tevreden,
- The Old Vic Theatre,
- Toespraak,
- Toneel,
- Vasthouden,
- Verschijning,
- Video,
- Volwassen,
- Vragen,
- Week,
- Zitten,