Over a third of low-income families have no parenting support charity finds

Over a third of low-income families have no parenting support charity finds; ENGLAND: London: Hillingdon: INT GVs of parenting class Various of babies playing Vox pops (attendees) SOT, cutaways to babies playing EXT GV of Nestles Avenue Children's Centre sign Uxbridge: Side view of Uxbridge nursery sign PAN to Yasir Ansari (Parent) along with reporter, interview SOT INT Low angle of child's feet at desk, stuffed toy in focus GVs of child's hands drawing GV of child's hands playing with Slyvanian families dolls Harriet Butterworth (Cottontails Nursery) interview via internet SOT ENGLAND: London: Hillingdon: INT GVs of parenting class Various of babies playing
Over a third of low-income families have no parenting support charity finds; ENGLAND: London: Hillingdon: INT GVs of parenting class Various of babies playing Vox pops (attendees) SOT, cutaways to babies playing EXT GV of Nestles Avenue Children's Centre sign Uxbridge: Side view of Uxbridge nursery sign PAN to Yasir Ansari (Parent) along with reporter, interview SOT INT Low angle of child's feet at desk, stuffed toy in focus GVs of child's hands drawing GV of child's hands playing with Slyvanian families dolls Harriet Butterworth (Cottontails Nursery) interview via internet SOT ENGLAND: London: Hillingdon: INT GVs of parenting class Various of babies playing

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Redactioneel nr.:
Gemaakt op:
23 augustus 2022
Datum van uploaden:
Soort licentie:
Rights ready
Geen release. Meer informatie
Lengte van clip:
United Kingdom
Gemastered naar:
QuickTime 8-bit H.264 HD 1920x1080 25p
Oorspronkelijk opgenomen op:
1080 25i
Naam materiaal: