Criminal Justice Act: Parliament demo / Security

Criminal Justice Act: Parliament demo / Security; ITN ENGLAND: London: Westminster: House of Parliament: Westminster Hall: EXT TLS Patrolling policeman within Palace precinct - high wire security fence in f/g
TMS Security camera PULL OUT policeman standing next security fence
TMS Policeman (wearing poppy) walks to talk to other policemen - all seen thru wire fence PULL OUT NIGHT
CMS John Marshall MP (Cons) intvwd SOT
- very worrying that these individuals have got in the way they have

LA LS Demos (in silhouette) sitting on roof ZOOM IN with large illuminated Big Ben clockface behind (at 5 o'clock)
LA LMS Demo climbing down from roof (indistinct)
LMS Two protestors being put into police van (indistinct)
LA LMS Demo climbing down from roof (indistinct)
MS Police van along away carrying arrested demos
Criminal Justice Act: Parliament demo / Security; ITN ENGLAND: London: Westminster: House of Parliament: Westminster Hall: EXT TLS Patrolling policeman within Palace precinct - high wire security fence in f/g
TMS Security camera PULL OUT policeman standing next security fence
TMS Policeman (wearing poppy) walks to talk to other policemen - all seen thru wire fence PULL OUT NIGHT
CMS John Marshall MP (Cons) intvwd SOT
- very worrying that these individuals have got in the way they have

LA LS Demos (in silhouette) sitting on roof ZOOM IN with large illuminated Big Ben clockface behind (at 5 o'clock)
LA LMS Demo climbing down from roof (indistinct)
LMS Two protestors being put into police van (indistinct)
LA LMS Demo climbing down from roof (indistinct)
MS Police van along away carrying arrested demos

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Redactioneel nr.:
Gemaakt op:
04 november 1994
Datum van uploaden:
Soort licentie:
Rights ready
Geen release. Meer informatie
Lengte van clip:
Gemastered naar:
QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG SD 720x576 25p
Oorspronkelijk opgenomen op:
576 25i
Naam materiaal: