President Carter Press Conference : Aug 9, 1980
U.S. President Jimmy Carter holds press conference regarding his brother Billy Carter’s relationship with Libya. President Carter highlights facts from the investigation that his administration submitted to Congress. Carter discusses U.S. Policy towards Libya. Carter says there are a few countries in the world, which we have sharp and frequent policy disagreements. Libya has steadily opposed the Camp David Accords to bring peace to the Middle East. The U.S. and Libya have two different opinions towards the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) and toward international terrorism. Libya has promoted sharply higher prices of oil within OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) and on occasion has advocated the interruption of oil supplies to the U.S. and other western nations. Carter discusses the substantial trade between the U.S. and Libya; Libya is major oil supplier of the U.S. and has opposed Iran’s holding of the U.S. Embassy hostages and also the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Carter says U.S. policy towards Libya, mixes firmness with caution.
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Redactioneel nr.:
Archive Films: Editorial
Gemaakt op:
09 augustus 1980
Datum van uploaden:
Soort licentie:
Rights ready
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Lengte van clip:
Washington, DC, United States
Gemastered naar:
QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG SD 720x576 25p
Archive Films Editorial
Naam materiaal:
- Jimmy Carter - President,
- Israël,
- Verenigde Staten,
- 1980-1989,
- Libië,
- Rosalynn Carter,
- Archiefbeelden,
- Audio online beschikbaar,
- Billy Carter - Politiek,
- Broer,
- Buitenlandse zaken,
- Conflict,
- Gerechtigheid,
- Globale communicatie,
- Internationaal monument,
- Journalist,
- Kleurenfoto,
- Koude Oorlog,
- Midden-Oosten,
- Overheid,
- Persconferentie,
- Politiek,
- Politiek en staatsbestuur,
- Realtime video,
- Ruw materiaal,
- Schandaal,
- Speelfilm,
- Washington DC,
- Wet,
- Witte Huis - Washington DC,
- Zuid-Dakota,
- Zuidwest-Azïe,