Catholic Bar Association press statement on judicial nominations

President of the Catholic Bar Association Joshua McCaig says at a news conference with Senate Republicans in support of Notre Dame Law Professor Amy Coney Barrett to become a federal judge that the Association was established based on a concern among founding members about growing intolerance to Catholic professionals in public office, that despite Barrett's distinguished legal and academic career, some members on the Senate Judiciary Committee launched an unfair attack to discredit her, which he calls not just inappropriate and likely unconstitutional, but also an attack on any person of faith who takes their convictions seriously.
President of the Catholic Bar Association Joshua McCaig says at a news conference with Senate Republicans in support of Notre Dame Law Professor Amy Coney Barrett to become a federal judge that the Association was established based on a concern among founding members about growing intolerance to Catholic professionals in public office, that despite Barrett's distinguished legal and academic career, some members on the Senate Judiciary Committee launched an unfair attack to discredit her, which he calls not just inappropriate and likely unconstitutional, but also an attack on any person of faith who takes their convictions seriously.

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Mag niet worden gebruikt als partijdig materiaal voor een politieke campagne om het kandidaatschap te promoten of tegen te staan van enige persoon voor een verkiesbare openbare functie en mag niet worden gebruikt om de onderwerpen en doelstellingen van de hoorzitting verkeerd voor te stellen, of enig lid van het Huis van Afgevaardigden van de Verenigde Staten of de Amerikaanse Senaat in opspraak te brengen of te smaden, of het Huis van Afgevaardigden of de Senaat of enig lid in diskrediet te brengen.
Redactioneel nr.:
Gemaakt op:
30 oktober 2017
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Soort licentie:
Rights ready
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Washington, DC, United States
Gemastered naar:
QuickTime 8-bit H.264 HD 1280x720 30p
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