Primary school shooting at Dunblane

Primary school shooting at Dunblane; ENGLAND: London: INT CMS Tony Blair MP (Labour Party Leader) intvw SOT - These were little children who would have been playing at weekend with brothers & sisters, mothers and fathers, now nothing Westminster: CMS Paddy Ashdown MP (Liberal Democrats Leader) intvw SOT - For moment grieving, sympathy, support / afterwards will consider practical actions CMS Alex Salmond MP (Leader of SNP) intvw SOT - Never thought would see it in Scotland / not in community like Dunblane / if can happen in Dunblane, can happen anywhere EXT / NIGHT LMS Houses of Parliament seen across river GV Tower (lit up) PULL OUT as child's slide in f/g TX 13.3.96/NAT
Primary school shooting at Dunblane; ENGLAND: London: INT CMS Tony Blair MP (Labour Party Leader) intvw SOT - These were little children who would have been playing at weekend with brothers & sisters, mothers and fathers, now nothing Westminster: CMS Paddy Ashdown MP (Liberal Democrats Leader) intvw SOT - For moment grieving, sympathy, support / afterwards will consider practical actions CMS Alex Salmond MP (Leader of SNP) intvw SOT - Never thought would see it in Scotland / not in community like Dunblane / if can happen in Dunblane, can happen anywhere EXT / NIGHT LMS Houses of Parliament seen across river GV Tower (lit up) PULL OUT as child's slide in f/g TX 13.3.96/NAT

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Redactioneel nr.:
Gemaakt op:
13 maart 1996
Datum van uploaden:
Soort licentie:
Rights ready
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Lengte van clip:
United Kingdom
Gemastered naar:
QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG SD 720x576 25p
Oorspronkelijk opgenomen op:
576 25i
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