Prime Minister handover: View from Grimsby

Prime Minister handover: View from Grimsby; ENGLAND: Lincolnshire: Grimsby: INT GVs of fish being battered in chip shop GV of people queuing in chip shop Close shot of chips being served GV of battered sausage and chips being served GVs of people being served fish and chips and drinks Vox pops SOT EXT Taxi along INT TAXI GVs of Andy Tyrrell (Taxi driver) driving taxi while disagreeing with Liz Truss speech (HEARD ON RADIO) SOT Andy Tyrrell (Taxi driver) interview while driving SOT EXT AIR VIEW (AERIAL) DRONE footage of Grimsby INT Reporter set-up shot with students Adam Mustafa (Tollbar MAT Sixth Form College) interview SOT CUTAWAY to other student listening Jodie Aabed (Tollbar MAT Sixth Form College) interview SOT EXT GVs of people along high street AIR VIEW (AERIAL) DRONE footage of Grimsby.
Prime Minister handover: View from Grimsby; ENGLAND: Lincolnshire: Grimsby: INT GVs of fish being battered in chip shop GV of people queuing in chip shop Close shot of chips being served GV of battered sausage and chips being served GVs of people being served fish and chips and drinks Vox pops SOT EXT Taxi along INT TAXI GVs of Andy Tyrrell (Taxi driver) driving taxi while disagreeing with Liz Truss speech (HEARD ON RADIO) SOT Andy Tyrrell (Taxi driver) interview while driving SOT EXT AIR VIEW (AERIAL) DRONE footage of Grimsby INT Reporter set-up shot with students Adam Mustafa (Tollbar MAT Sixth Form College) interview SOT CUTAWAY to other student listening Jodie Aabed (Tollbar MAT Sixth Form College) interview SOT EXT GVs of people along high street AIR VIEW (AERIAL) DRONE footage of Grimsby.

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Redactioneel nr.:
Gemaakt op:
06 september 2022
Datum van uploaden:
Soort licentie:
Rights ready
Geen release. Meer informatie
Lengte van clip:
United Kingdom
Gemastered naar:
QuickTime 8-bit H.264 HD 1920x1080 25p
Oorspronkelijk opgenomen op:
1080 25i
Naam materiaal: