Proud Boy Dominic Pezzola Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison Over US Capitol Breach
Proud Boy member Dominic Pezzola was sentenced to 10 years in prison for his involvement in the riots at the Capitol on January 6, US District Judge Timothy J Kelly announced on Friday, September 1. Pezzola was accused of being the first to smash a window to the Capitol Building using a stolen police shield, captured in this video taken by Brendan Gutenschwager. Pezzola then proceeded to light a cigar inside the breached building, according to court documents. Judge Kelly showed "little sympathy" for Pezzola, according to reports , saying in the courtroom: "The reality is you smashed that window and let people stream into that Capitol building and threaten the lives of our lawmakers," Kelly told Pezzola. "It's not something I ever would have dreamed I would see in our country." (Footage by Brendan Gutenschwager/Storyful via Getty Images UGC)
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Redactioneel nr.:
Gemaakt op:
01 september 2023
Datum van uploaden:
Soort licentie:
Rights ready
Geen release. Meer informatie
Lengte van clip:
Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Gemastered naar:
MPEG-4 8-bit H.264 HD 1920x1080 59.94p
Naam materiaal:
- Bestorming van het Amerikaanse Capitool in 2021,
- Capitool Gebouw - Washington DC,
- Rel,
- Dominic Pezzola,
- Gevangenis,
- Jongens,
- Trots,
- Veroordeling,
- Washington DC,
- Proud Boys - Extreemrechtse groep,
- Verenigde Staten,
- Aangeklaagde,
- Achter de schermen - Ruw materiaal,
- Conflict,
- Deelnemer,
- Door gebruikers gegenereerde content,
- Georganiseerde groepen,
- Gerechtsgebouw,
- HD-formaat,
- Kind,
- Kleurenfoto,
- Oproer,
- Politiedienst,
- Raam,
- Realtime video,
- Ruw materiaal,
- Sigaar,
- Speelfilm,
- Video,
- Wet,