Conflict: Bosnia: Sarajevo Hogg visit: Geneva diplomacy

Conflict: Bosnia: Sarajevo Hogg visit: Geneva diplomacy; CF TAPE NO LONGER AVAILABLE FOR RUSHES SEE R13089202 DARK PICS SWITZERLAND, Geneva MS TV screen with ITN pics of Serbian prison camps being screened before emergency session of UN Human Rights Commission delegates PULL OUT SEQ Delegates as looking on MS Emergency session of UN Human Rights Commission Spokesman with gavel CMS John Bolton (US Ass Sec of State) TLS Session in progress ZOOM IN CMS Bolton CMS John Bolton (US Ass Sec of State) speech SOF - We know that Serbs are trying to cover up for the horrors of camps / Do the Serbs 'wish to go down in history as the last fascist state in Europe' LMS C'man of session LMS Commission in session PAN L-R CMS Martin Moreland (British Amb to UNHCR) speech SOF - The special reporter should find evidence and compile it for our use CMS Yugoslavian Rep (unidentified) speaking (not heard) CMS John Bolton (US Ass Sec of State) speech SOF - 'Serbia is in no position to bandy about charges of fascism' (as holds up cover of Time Magazine with pic of emaciated man in Serbian prison camp) 'a picture is worth a thousand words' EXT International Red Cross HQ GV Building covered in scaffolding ZOOM IN MS Red Cross flag flying CMS Pierre Gauthier (Intnl Red Cross) intvwd SOF - Civilians are being subjected to inhumane treatment which is unacceptable UNHCR MS UN flag flying GV UNHCR INT CMS Sylvana Foa (UNHCR) intvwd SOF - We initially had to rely on second hand accounts but even when we got 1st hand stuff people just said it was a shame till they saw it on TV EXT CMS Williams i/c SOF & sign off RUSHES -------------------------------------------------------------- *R13089202 BOSNIA: SARAJEVO HOGG VISIT: GENEVA DIPLOMACY: 13.8.92 Request Keep. Camera orig retained. NB Inconsistant Time Code due to camera adjustments. ...
Conflict: Bosnia: Sarajevo Hogg visit: Geneva diplomacy; CF TAPE NO LONGER AVAILABLE FOR RUSHES SEE R13089202 DARK PICS SWITZERLAND, Geneva MS TV screen with ITN pics of Serbian prison camps being screened before emergency session of UN Human Rights Commission delegates PULL OUT SEQ Delegates as looking on MS Emergency session of UN Human Rights Commission Spokesman with gavel CMS John Bolton (US Ass Sec of State) TLS Session in progress ZOOM IN CMS Bolton CMS John Bolton (US Ass Sec of State) speech SOF - We know that Serbs are trying to cover up for the horrors of camps / Do the Serbs 'wish to go down in history as the last fascist state in Europe' LMS C'man of session LMS Commission in session PAN L-R CMS Martin Moreland (British Amb to UNHCR) speech SOF - The special reporter should find evidence and compile it for our use CMS Yugoslavian Rep (unidentified) speaking (not heard) CMS John Bolton (US Ass Sec of State) speech SOF - 'Serbia is in no position to bandy about charges of fascism' (as holds up cover of Time Magazine with pic of emaciated man in Serbian prison camp) 'a picture is worth a thousand words' EXT International Red Cross HQ GV Building covered in scaffolding ZOOM IN MS Red Cross flag flying CMS Pierre Gauthier (Intnl Red Cross) intvwd SOF - Civilians are being subjected to inhumane treatment which is unacceptable UNHCR MS UN flag flying GV UNHCR INT CMS Sylvana Foa (UNHCR) intvwd SOF - We initially had to rely on second hand accounts but even when we got 1st hand stuff people just said it was a shame till they saw it on TV EXT CMS Williams i/c SOF & sign off RUSHES -------------------------------------------------------------- *R13089202 BOSNIA: SARAJEVO HOGG VISIT: GENEVA DIPLOMACY: 13.8.92 Request Keep. Camera orig retained. NB Inconsistant Time Code due to camera adjustments. ...

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Gemaakt op:
13 augustus 1992
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