GFX social media user gaining followers by 'liking' sad posts - HD Stockvideo

Graphical depiction of how social media such as Instagram can negatively impact mental health by rewarding the user with followers for 'liking' sad posts, thereby drawing them into a community that may reinforce damaging behaviour like self-harm. (FKBK688D - 395640)
Graphical depiction of how social media such as Instagram can negatively impact mental health by rewarding the user with followers for 'liking' sad posts, thereby drawing them into a community that may reinforce damaging behaviour like self-harm. (FKBK688D - 395640)

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BBC Creative
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1920 x 1080 px - 26 MB
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QuickTime 10-bit ProRes 422 (HQ) HD 1920x1080 25p