1952 Switzerland Glacier
The opening scene presents a panoramic view of a glacier set against a backdrop of majestic snow-capped mountains under a clear blue sky. The camera zooms in, revealing greater detail of the mountainous terrain and the glacier's flow patterns. The focus moves downward, showcasing the glacier's continuation with white ice transitioning into accumulated snow, delineating its flow path. Further down, ancient ice layers interspersed with exposed rock and sediment highlight the glacier's enormity and age. The terminus area of the glacier shows finer details in the ice surface and the boundary where ice meets rocky terrain, emphasizing the glacier's expansive spread. Finally, the glacier's runoff into a glacial lake is seen, with calm water contrasting the rugged ice.

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Redactioneel nr.:
Atlas Archive
Gemaakt op:
01 januari 1955
Datum van uploaden:
Soort licentie:
Rights ready
Geen release. Meer informatie
Lengte van clip:
Zermatt, Switzerland
Gemastered naar:
QuickTime 8-bit H.264 HD 1440x1080 18p
Atlas Archive
Naam materiaal:
- IJs,
- 1950-1959,
- Archiefbeelden,
- Berg,
- Bergketen,
- Blauw,
- Buitenopname,
- Extreem terrein,
- Gletsjer,
- HD-formaat,
- Kleurenfoto,
- Landschap - Buiten de steden gelegen gebied,
- Levensstijl,
- Lucht,
- Majestueus,
- Meer,
- Mensen,
- Natuur,
- Onder,
- Panoramisch,
- Realtime video,
- Reizen,
- Rots,
- Ruw materiaal,
- Sneeuw,
- Speelfilm,
- Stroom - Activiteit,
- Toerisme,
- Veleiding,
- Wolk,
- Woud,
- Zermatt,
- Zwitserland,
- Zwitserse Alpen,