Theresa May saying she is looking forward to working with the new US President Donald Trump and looks forward to building on the "special relationship" between the UK and USA

Theresa May saying she is looking forward to working with the new US President Donald Trump and looks forward to building on the "special relationship" between the UK and USA (Core number: NNBU429Y - ABRA943D)
Theresa May saying she is looking forward to working with the new US President Donald Trump and looks forward to building on the "special relationship" between the UK and USA (Core number: NNBU429Y - ABRA943D)

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Redactioneel nr.:
BBC Editorial
Gemaakt op:
09 november 2016
Datum van uploaden:
Soort licentie:
Rights ready
Geen release. Meer informatie
Lengte van clip:
London, United Kingdom
Gemastered naar:
QuickTime 10-bit ProRes 422 (HQ) HD 1920x1080 25i
Oorspronkelijk opgenomen op:
DVCPRO HD 1080 25i
BBC Editorial
Naam materiaal: