Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie visits Empire State Building

6/1/54: Tilt down parade for Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie / CU Selassie waves from open car / pan parade of cars and crowd standing behind barricades / CU people cheering and clapping / Selassie waves from car / 5/31/54: Selassie walks out onto viewing deck of Empire State Building and meets James Aloysius Farley (taller man, dark suit), member of the Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of Government, and General David Sarnoff / photographers take pictures / CU Selassie looks out over skyline / Selassie grandstands between Farley and Sarnoff, pan to top of Empire State Building / Selassie walks with crowd of escorts, waves to people cordoned off / people wave back
6/1/54: Tilt down parade for Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie / CU Selassie waves from open car / pan parade of cars and crowd standing behind barricades / CU people cheering and clapping / Selassie waves from car / 5/31/54: Selassie walks out onto viewing deck of Empire State Building and meets James Aloysius Farley (taller man, dark suit), member of the Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of Government, and General David Sarnoff / photographers take pictures / CU Selassie looks out over skyline / Selassie grandstands between Farley and Sarnoff, pan to top of Empire State Building / Selassie walks with crowd of escorts, waves to people cordoned off / people wave back

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Redactioneel nr.:
Sherman Grinberg Library
Gemaakt op:
01 juni 1954
Datum van uploaden:
Soort licentie:
Rights ready
Geen release. Meer informatie
Lengte van clip:
New York City, New York, United States
Gemastered naar:
QuickTime 10-bit ProRes 422 (HQ) HD 1920x1080 23.98p
Oorspronkelijk opgenomen op:
35mm B/W Neg
Sherman Grinberg Library
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