Americas Cup:

Americas Cup:; INT BV Tom Ehram showing slide of practice boat GV Slide of facilities centre for boat tests in Fremantle, Australia MS Slide of boat PULL OUT to Tom Ehram sitting at desk CMS TOM EHRAM (US Team leader) INT INTVW SOF (on practising for long time now so feels ahead) "We've been down -- catching up." EXT MS Operations manager towards at harbour with Rees MS Ext shed where new US boat being kept MS Operations manager opening shed door to FREEZE of boat under construction in shed CAS ex ENG(Skehan)/ITN LIB IN W'TON 1.00min Tx 8.3.85/NAT ARCHIVE TAPE & CAS 26551 16:48 TO 17:53
Americas Cup:; INT BV Tom Ehram showing slide of practice boat GV Slide of facilities centre for boat tests in Fremantle, Australia MS Slide of boat PULL OUT to Tom Ehram sitting at desk CMS TOM EHRAM (US Team leader) INT INTVW SOF (on practising for long time now so feels ahead) "We've been down -- catching up." EXT MS Operations manager towards at harbour with Rees MS Ext shed where new US boat being kept MS Operations manager opening shed door to FREEZE of boat under construction in shed CAS ex ENG(Skehan)/ITN LIB IN W'TON 1.00min Tx 8.3.85/NAT ARCHIVE TAPE & CAS 26551 16:48 TO 17:53

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Redactioneel nr.:
Gemaakt op:
08 maart 1985
Datum van uploaden:
Soort licentie:
Rights ready
Geen release. Meer informatie
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QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG SD 720x576 25p
Oorspronkelijk opgenomen op:
576 25i
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