US troops in position

US troops in position; ***PICTURE QUALITY AS INCOMING*** ITN SOMALIA: Mogadishu: EXT G/AIR US fighter jets flying overhead CMS People looking at plane CMS Ditto CMS Vox Pops SOF MS Hercules transport plane along on runway PAN R-L MS Troops getting off of plane CMS Ditto CMS Supplies being unloaded from plane PAN R-L MS Machine gun by plane PULL OUT MS Local militia men with machine gun on back of van looking on MS Gang of militiamen on back of van along PAN R-L CMS Ditto MS Armed gang members around van MS Children and gunmen on street CMS Col Jim Fox (United Nations) intvwd SOT - I'm sure things will happen around us TMS People on street around market stalls TRACK FORWARD INT TMS Woman handing over dollar in currency dealing office PAN L-R TCS Cash being counted CMS Abdi Salat Hassan (Businessman) intvwd SOT: - I dont buy the idea that all these troops are here just to escort food EXT GV Supply ship seen in port TILT DOWN to people in small boats taking supplies ashore MS People bringing boxes of supplies ashore MS Small boats laden with supplies MS People unloading
US troops in position; ***PICTURE QUALITY AS INCOMING*** ITN SOMALIA: Mogadishu: EXT G/AIR US fighter jets flying overhead CMS People looking at plane CMS Ditto CMS Vox Pops SOF MS Hercules transport plane along on runway PAN R-L MS Troops getting off of plane CMS Ditto CMS Supplies being unloaded from plane PAN R-L MS Machine gun by plane PULL OUT MS Local militia men with machine gun on back of van looking on MS Gang of militiamen on back of van along PAN R-L CMS Ditto MS Armed gang members around van MS Children and gunmen on street CMS Col Jim Fox (United Nations) intvwd SOT - I'm sure things will happen around us TMS People on street around market stalls TRACK FORWARD INT TMS Woman handing over dollar in currency dealing office PAN L-R TCS Cash being counted CMS Abdi Salat Hassan (Businessman) intvwd SOT: - I dont buy the idea that all these troops are here just to escort food EXT GV Supply ship seen in port TILT DOWN to people in small boats taking supplies ashore MS People bringing boxes of supplies ashore MS Small boats laden with supplies MS People unloading

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Redactioneel nr.:
Gemaakt op:
07 december 1992
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Soort licentie:
Rights ready
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QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG SD 720x576 25p
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576 25i
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