British military in the Libyan desert during the Battle of Bardia in World War II
A water tanker drives to a former Italian water well with numerous water cans in the foreground / six horses standing in the desert / Pan metal wreckage in desert / A sign with an arrow, "Capuzzo, Bardia, Tobruch" / Pan to damaged buildings and a vehicle passing in a cloud of dust / A burned out airplane with the skeleton of the wings / VS British soldiers opening a spider hole door behind the wreck with them peeking out, looking around, and going back down; two more shots with one soldier looks to sky with binoculars / An airplane flies overhead / Pan of wreckage with a British soldier leafing through a magazine / soldiers in sandbagged foxhole /Pan to soldier in another foxhole looking with binoculars / a soldier looks right and left / VS shots of the soldiers in foxholes with guns, one with a cigarette / Skeletons of a burnt-out planes / VS large enclosure of barbed wire with vehicles driving past it / Note: exact day not known

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Redactioneel nr.:
Sherman Grinberg Library
Gemaakt op:
01 februari 1941
Datum van uploaden:
Soort licentie:
Rights ready
Geen release. Meer informatie
Lengte van clip:
Gemastered naar:
QuickTime 10-bit ProRes 422 (HQ) HD 1920x1080 23.98p
Oorspronkelijk opgenomen op:
35mm B/W Neg
Sherman Grinberg Library
Naam materiaal:
- Tweede Wereldoorlog,
- Greppel,
- Woestijn,
- Water,
- 1940-1949,
- Archiefbeelden,
- Beschadigd,
- Bioscoopjournaal,
- Blik - Container,
- Britse leger,
- Burnout,
- Camouflage,
- Conflict,
- Dag,
- Gat,
- Geproduceerd segment,
- HD-formaat,
- Kijken,
- Leger soldaat,
- Libië,
- Lucht,
- Magazine,
- Metaal,
- Musicaltheater,
- Nauwkeurigheid,
- Om zich heen kijken,
- Omsloten ruimte,
- Oorlog,
- Open kast,
- Paard - Paardachtigen,
- Prikkeldraad,
- Realtime video,
- Rijden - Een motorvoertuig besturen,
- Selectieve focus,
- Sigaret,
- Speelfilm,
- Spin,
- Stof,
- Tanker,
- Tobruk,
- Vernieling,
- Verrekijker,
- Vervoermiddel,
- Vliegtuig,
- Voormalig,
- Vrachtwagen,
- Vuurwapen,
- Wolk,
- Wrak,
- Zwart-wit,